​​Video Streaming Platform and Android TV application​
February 28, 2023
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Five Systems Development & Vimmi Communications Ltd 










FIVE team helped our Client to create a new service for watching, and sharing videos between users worldwide. The platform is very modest and diverse. It has a variety of features: you can create your own channel and upload videos, stories so on or you can watch videos you like, follow other people’s channels, and watch, rate, and share them. 

The main tasks were: to develop a module for caching HLS-video streams and working with several data sources; creating an application for Android TV. 








FIVE’s Client is specializing in video streaming and has chosen our team to help them to create a new platform that will have an easy client-friendly interface, might be localized, and be used worldwide.  

It was a solution that had to be created from scratch. The Client had an idea and our team had shorted timelines and many new features for implementation. As a result, both ideas were supposed to be integrated into the new project as separate modules.   






Our team of developers suggested the next steps as a solution: 



  1. Developing a module for caching HLS-video streams and working with several data sources.


We offered a fix based on the local proxy server, which is responsible for caching process and choosing remote data sources.


     2. Creating an application for Android TV.



For this one, we decided to develop a platform for streaming videos on Android TV using Android Leanback and Exoplayer 



The whole project took our team 8 months to deliver and up to 6 people were working on it.  



Even though it was a non-trivial task for us: to work with the local web service which is working inside the Client’s device and with outdated code, our team still made the delivery on time and had a great performance.  


We’ve had trips to our Client’s side that helped us to test the product on specific Client devices and to exchange knowledge. FIVE showed dedicated availability and flexibility.   







FIVE developers used the latest technologies that were suited for this project 


  • Kotlin 

  • WebSocket 

  • NanoHttpd 

  • ExoPlayer 

  • RxJava 2.0 

  • Retrofit 2 

  • Android Leanback  







As a result, our team presented the customer with a great project which fully satisfied the tasks the Client had for FIVE. 



We are happy to know that thanks to us the Client got a system for cashing and interaction with data sources which is now used on their mobile and TV applications.  



We have created an innovative, comprehensive built-for-video network architecture technology that provides cloud-based video services and broadcast-quality delivery services across managed and unmanaged networks. TV portal that complements existing customer’s portals and is a component of the core product. 



We are always happy to be a part of something big and looking forward to new challenges! 



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